Johnny and Karen

Johnny was 8 years old and living in foster care when he became involved with the Wonder Mentoring Program and met his mentor, Karen. Initially, he wasn’t particularly interested in doing new things but Karen kept making suggestions until they found activities they both enjoyed: going to parks and watching movies. These activities were fun and enriching, but what meant most to Johnny was having an adult he could talk to and someone he could rely on no matter what.

For the next 10 years, Johnny was shuffled from foster placement to foster placement, often with very little notice. And the adults in Johnny’s life weren’t always reliable, but Karen was different. She was a consistent, caring presence in Johnny’s life. If he moved or changed schools, Karen was always there to listen and support unconditionally. “I had so many questions about life,” Johnny says, “and she was always there to answer them.”

A young person has a lot to learn as they approach adulthood: how to drive, how to open a bank account, what to do after high school. Most young people receive answers to these questions from a parent or other family member. But what about kids who don’t have permanent families? “Karen became a life mentor,” Johnny says. “She showed me a new way to live.”

Johnny and Karen were in Wonder together for 10 years. Looking back, they both recognize the role Wonder staff played in facilitating and supporting their relationship, one that continues even now, after they’ve graduated from the program. At 18 years old, Johnny has known Karen more than half his life. Their relationship has provided Johnny with continuity, meaning and support. And Karen has had the pleasure of watching Johnny grow into an inquisitive, driven, social young adult.

Johnny has big plans for the next few years, graduate from high school, attend college and pursue his dream of working in the film industry. He’s excited about his future and so are we!